Join Us This Week
Sunday Services
Bible Study 9:45 am
Worship 11:00 am
(Extended Care: Babies – Grade 1-3)
Tuesday Morning
10 AM – 11 AM
Bible Study
Wednesday Night
6:30 pm
Sanctuary Choir Practice
Greenlawn Family
Mission Statement
“To teach the good news of Jesus to all people, baptize believers, and nurture those that follow him”
Vision Statement
We are building God’s Kingdom by making and nurturing disciples
Church Calendar
Click here to see the monthly calendar
Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Click here to see the newsletter
Church Bulletin
Click here to see the bulletin
The Week that Changed the World
The Lenten season is a time to remember the events of the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry, leading to His death and resurrection. Beginning March 9, we will take a journey through Jesus’s final week and see how each of these events has a message that can guide us in following Jesus today. Be present in March and April as we walk through “The Weekthat Changed the World.”

Your thoughts can make your life a prison or a sanctuary. Our Christian faith offers us help in reshaping our thinking so we can live more abundantly. Tuesdays at 10 a.m. beginning March 11, Pastor Dee will lead a study that will help us recognize thoughts that harm us and teach us to think in new, more life-giving ways. Join us for “What Do You Think?”